St. Anthony

Today is the feast of St. Anthony of Padua and the 2nd apparition of Our Lady of Fatima to the 3 children, Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia.

Our Lady of Fatima

It is also Friday.  Many people see Friday the 13 as unlucky.  However, I see it as having many graces for all of us.  We will start with Friday…The day of Our Lord’s passion.  Even though it is not Lent or Good Friday we still remember Our Lord’s passion each Friday.  Therefore all Friday’s while a day of penance in some since, (we are still asked to do some penance each Friday to join with Our Lord and Savior) are Good as Our Lord suffered and died for me and each person to redeem us!

June 13 is the feast of St. Anthony of Padua.  He is often pictured with scripture in hand and an older baby Jesus standing on the book held by St. Anthony.  He is the patron of lost items.  I often say “Tony,Tony come around, something’s lost that must be found!”  I think he sometimes looks at me when I ask his intercession and says “lost them again”!  He helps a lot!!!

June 13 is also the 2nd apparition of Our Lady of Fatima!  What is her message to us…Repent and return to the Lord with all your heart!

With all of that I don’t see how Friday the 13 could be bad and I had a good day, challenging but good!

Another thought on today…when I was 16 I had a horse back riding accident on this day.  It took 3 surgeries to fix my arm.  Many people would say that was an unlucky day.  I say it was by God’s grace,   I firmly believe that the reason I did not lose my life or was not paralyzed was do to all this grace on Friday the 13! (Friday, a day of suffering, Our Lady of Fatima and St. Anthony.)  My arm twisted and my elbow acted as a knife in the injury and cut everything but the artery!  As the good doctor said in the Pensacola Naval Hospital Emergency room to me before I lost consciousness…”be glad this is your arm and not your back”, and I am.  Most people don’t know that I had a serious arm injury!  Thank you Jesus, Mother Mary and St. Anthony for all the graces and mercy that day!

Have a great weekend!