Happy and Blessed 2nd Sunday of Advent! We are almost to Christmas! I love how sometimes the 4th Week of Advent is short, as it is this year, 24 hours, barely. Other years it can last 5-6 days, especially if Christmas is on a Saturday. I feel it is Our Lord giving us a little peek at how God’s time works. A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day.

Scripture in beautiful colorful Calligraphy!
Looking at Nativities from around the world is a beautiful way to prepare for the coming of Christ.

Time in the Chapel near the Advent Candles and Statues of Our Blessed Mother from around the world! We were at the Benedictine Center on Saturday!
Advent has several Feasts/Solemnities of Mary. Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Loretto, Our Lady of Guadalupe.
May you have a Blessed Advent Season as we prepare for the birth of Jesus in our heart!
O Come O Come Emmanuel!