Happy Easter Octave and Divine Mercy Sunday!

In this Easter Octave Happy Divine Mercy Sunday! Gospel for this Sunday: GospelJN 20:19-31 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them,...

St Patrick and St. Joseph

We have 2 bigger feast days this week; St. Patrick of Ireland and St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus. St. Patrick has a wonderful life story of being kidnapped and enslaved in Ireland.  He escaped only to return after his ordination and as priest and bishop converted...


Happy and Blessed Epiphany!  In the US, other places still celebrate on the day, January 6th! To help the children understand that Christmas lasts more then 1 day, it lasts until Baptism, we drag out the gift giving.  They receive most of their presents on Christmas...

3rd Sunday of Advent! Rejoice Sunday!

Today is Rejoice or Gaudete Sunday!  We light the Rose candle and we are almost to Christmas! It’s Gaudete (Rejoice Sunday!  Light the third (rose-colored) candle on your Advent wreath. On Gaudete Sunday, the season of Advent shifts its focus. For the first two...

Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving

Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my vocation, faith, the Sacraments, family, friends, the children who live in the Home, the children who have been adopted from the home, the children who are now living successfully with their bio parents! The...