On Sept. 8 we celebrated the Nativity of Mary and today we celebrate the Holy name of Mary.

The difference between the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary is that while the Name of Jesus is Grace itself, the name of Mary is full of grace. . We call upon the Holy Name of Mary because her Son always answers her requests for her children, who are truly His brothers and sisters.

On this feast of the Holy Name of Mary, I was lead to reflect on the words of scripture that tell us that “God calls us by name”.  I have met many who have been named after and in honor of Mary or a form of Mary, Marie, Maria, Miriam, etc.  Sometimes a name is something that can be attributed to Mary, a sapphire is blue, and Mary is usually pictured in blue or Sharon Rose after the Marian title Rose of Sharon.  Even when our names do not directly have a form of Mary in them, they can remind us of Mary, by the meaning of the names(s) Catherine= pure, Elizabeth= God’s oath or promise.  Both names speak strongly of a reality of Mary, of course there are more examples that could be given of names that remind us of Mary.

Thought I would just share some of my reflections on names today, especially as they relate to Mary our Mother!

I love to ask mothers (and fathers)  how they came to give their child his/her name.  It is fascinating to see all the ways God draws and inspires a mother to name a child.  (My dad named me after his older sister Katharine, who died in childhood, and my birthday has St. Catherine of Alexandria as the patron saint of the day!)
