Motherhood is a gift from God
To bring life into the world and to nurture that life is a profound desire that God knits into a woman’s heart. It reaches the very core of who she is, of her identity: she is one who participates in God’s creative power, and daily, lovingly, cares for that life, helping to form in the child the great and exalted character that God desires for him. Motherhood is one of the most beautiful and noble callings that God has given to the human race. And He has given it to us as pure gift.(1)
The desire for motherhood lives deep within a woman’s heart. It stems from an even deeper desire: to give herself freely and wholly to another in love. When a woman finds the one to whom she will make a complete self-gift, her desire for motherhood is awakened in a definitive way. Giving herself to him brings this desire to fulfillment. Motherhood and spousal love are intrinsically woven together: spousal love is life-giving by its very essence.(2)
When a young woman hears the call to religious life, God does not ask her to set aside what He has woven into her being. He adds to these gifts already given yet another one: the supernatural grace to live a divine call to spousal union and motherhood through a complete gift of self to God. The call to religious consecration truly is “grace upon grace.”(3)
As a consecrated woman, I am a Mother, both spiritual and a Mother to actual children who are not my own. I raise children who need a home, a family to call their own, sometimes just for a little while until he or she can return to their biological parents or be adopted. Some are not able to go back to their biological family and are not available for adoption. I have 4 such children at this point in time.

Mother’s bring their children to Jesus! Mother Pray for your children daily!

Note: 1,2,3 are taken from Southern Nebraska Register Jan 18, 2024.