Wow, two great days rolled into one and how appropriate!

Praise the Holy Trinity, Undivided unity, Holy God, Mighty God, God immortal be adored!


The Trinity is comprised of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 3 persons, 1 God!  I am thankful for both my dad’s my earthly Father, who is hopefully enjoying the beatific vision and my Heavenly Father!  I wouldn’t be who I am today without either one of them!  Of course both bring family into the picture, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Of course with my earthly Father, my mother and myself.

I have met many great Father’s besides my earthly Father.  There are of course the many priest’s who have been apart of my life from the beginning!  Throughout my life I have met other good Father;s from uncle and cousins to the Father’s in other families that we knew and know!

My heart goes out to children who don’t have good Father’s in their lives!  The scripture verse “to turn the hearts of Father’s back to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers” Mal. 4:6 comes to mind and is so needed in today’s world!

I also have great memories of leading a bible study of dad’s using Scott Hahn’s book A Father keeps his promises.  That was a great bible study to be part of and many good conversations came out of it!

Trinity icon by Rublev with tree in background

Hope everyone had a blessed day!