I think this writing in the bulletin by Fr. Jim Golka about Mary is well said, so I will post a copy:
My good friends in Christ Jesus,This Sunday during the 9 am and 11 am masses we will offer May Crowning. In the Catholic tradition – May is Mary’s month! And during May, throughout the Catholic world, special devotions honor the Virgin Mary. “May Crowning” is a traditional Catholic ritual in which a wreath of flowers and herbs is placed on the statue of Mary. We recognize Mary as Queen of heaven and earth. Since medieval times, there has been a correlation between Mary and the month of May. May is considered the season of the beginning of new life. “May Crowning” marks a new spiritual season. Our Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, lifted us right out of the last long, cold days of winter and firmly planted our hearts in the warm and promising soil of spring.During the “Order of Crowning” we crown Mary as Queen because she was a perfect follower of Christ, who is the absolute “crown” of creation. “She is the Mother of the Son of God, who is the messianic King. Mary is the Mother of Christ, the Word Incarnate… ‘he will be great and will be called Son of the Most High; the Lord will give him the throne of his father David; and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there will be no end” (Lk 1:32-33).When Catholics pray to Mary, they are not worshiping her, rather they are honoring her and asking for her intercession on their behalf — in fact, more than praying “to” her, we pray “with” Mary, asking her to pray with and for us. St. Louis de Montfort uses a helpful analogy of a peasant requesting a favor from a king, to explain Mary’s role in our relationship with God:“It is as if a peasant, wishing to gain the friendship and benevolence of the king, went to the queen and presented her with a fruit which was his whole revenue, in order that she might present it to the king. The queen, having accepted the poor little offering from the peasant, would place the fruit on a large and beautiful dish of gold, and so, on the peasant’s behalf, would present it to the king. Then the fruit, however unworthy in itself to be a king’s present, would become worthy of his majesty because of the dish of gold on which it rested and the person who presented it.”We are that peasant — sinful and broken — coming to our King for forgiveness and healing. Mary, Queen of Heaven, willingly takes our messy, imperfect prayers and purifies, sanctifies, and beautifies them; placing them on a dish of gold before our King, Jesus.Have a blessed week.Fr. Jim