
Hosanna to the King of Kings!  Hope everyone had a beautiful Palm Sunday!  I love this start to Holy Week!  I have memories of playing the organ at St. Elizabeth’s church as a middle/high school student.  Fr. Ed always had me play a rousing rendition of The King of Glory during the procession into the church!

St. Elizabeth

This Sunday we choose to go to St. James for Mass as Our Lady of Lourdes had early Mass and it is hard sometimes with little children.  It was a beautiful Mass.  It was raining and cold at the beginning of Mass so we had the simple entrance indoors.  As Father said we are not spectators, we are active participants.

After Mass we headed out of church to find that the rain had turned to a rain snow mix and it was icy!  We changed our plans to stay in town for part of the afternoon and grabbed a quick lunch and headed home.  We arrived home safely, but it was slow going, 20-30 mph on Ravenna Rd. in order to stay out of the ditch.   I have to say the snow was pretty.


I always think of snow as God reminding us of purity.  Today on Palm Sunday we are all waving palm branches and praising God with Hosanna’s!  Will we continue to try and keep Holy Week Holy!?

Holy week


Have a wonderfully blessed Holy Week!