The Sheepfold
Divine Mercy Sunday
Today we celebrate the Mercy of Jesus! Sometimes we forget that Jesus always is ready to bestow His Mercy on us, we just need to ask. Some people might ask "Why doesn't He just give it without my asking?". Jesus never forces anything on us, He waits for us to ask. The...
Happy and Blessed Easter!
Happy and Blessed Easter! Alleluia, He has risen, Alleluia, He has risen indeed! The Gospel for today was: GospelJN 20:1-9 On the first day of the week,Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning,while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the...
Holy Week
Hello and welcome to Holy Week, the Holiest week of the year! Today started with Palm Sunday. The day we celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and being greeted by children and people waving palm branches and calling Hosanna to the King of Kings! We end with the...
March 25, 2020 Solemnity of the Annunciation!
Hope your lent has been going well! Many of us are quarantined/self quarantined due to the COVID 19! I had some thoughts the other day as I went around to grocery stores to get some things. They were out of Toilet Paper again! Didn't everyone have enough after they...
2nd Week of Lent
Wow Lent is moving right along! The Gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Lent is: GospelMT 17:1-9 Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves.And he was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes...
1st Sunday of Lent
Welcome to Lent! A time of prayer, fasting and alms giving! Lent is roughly 40 days or 6 weeks. We see 40 a lot in Scripture: The Flood, Israel's time in the desert, Jesus' time in the desert and Easter to Ascension is 40 days. The Lenten hymns proclaim The Glory of...
Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple/CandleMass
Today is 40 days after Christmas! Today we celebrate the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Also known as Candle Mass. Christ the Light of the World was brought into the Temple, the Light that gets rid of the darkness of evil. Candles remind of us Christ our Light....
Feast of the Holy Family
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph! It is celebrated on the Sunday after Christmas, unless Christmas is on a Sunday, then it is on December 30. Reading 1SIR 3:2-6, 12-14 God sets a father in honor over his children;a mother's...